Thursday 23 February 2012

RM - First Idea

The idea starts off in a film set making a film by using scorpions as aliens with a cheesy narration over the top. During the scene the director calls cut, followed by several shots providing anchorage that the location is a film set. The director will say what he thinks have gone wrong in the latest take. The shot then changes to one focusing on the two main characters watching what is going on and talking to one another. After some dialect the female protagonist goes out onto the street to smoke a cigarette, or something similar, when the female character leaves the building through a fire exit or stage door into an alleyway it will be night, with the street joining the back alleyway not being busy. A hooded figure dressed in all black, hood up to cover face, suddenly appears in the entrance to the alleyway. The woman turns and looks at him/her. She starts to ask the hooded figure questions but he/she starts walking towards her. The woman tries to open the door to the studio but it’s has been locked. She backs down further down the alley as the hooded figure follows her. The woman walks to the end of the alleyway backwards into the wall behind her. She is still asking the figure questions but she is more panicked than previously before. The shot then goes to the exit of the alleyway and a scream is heard.

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