Wednesday 22 February 2012

RM - The Thing Deconstruction

DVD cover
Title: The Thing
Director: John Carpenter
Release Date: 1982
Budget: $15,000,000
Takings: $19,629,760 (USA)

A Turman-Foster company production

Titles White with the background black – binary opposite. The titles consist of: name of members of the cast and crew including: music producer, editor, special make-up effects, production designer, director of photography, associate producer, co-producer, producer and screenplay. All central however they all slightly shake. This could easily be done through the use of final cut with the earthquake effect.

No music (until Special effects editor and creator’s title appears on screen). Music is non-diegetic and eerie. As titles go on music level increases.

The first shot the audience sees with the UFO
in full flight.
First shot is at 1:12 which is a low angle of the stars then director’s name appears. Shot type is long shot. At 1:23 first sign of movement as an object (which is later in the shot anchored to be a UFO). This is still the same shot as 1:12.

Second shot the audience views also
match on action included with the shot to
 the above right.
Non-diegetic noises of engines are used and increase and the UFO gets closer to the camera.
Match on Action takes place. Another long shot is used this time focusing on the earth. Non-diegetic noise of engines dies down as the UFO gets further into the distance and closer to earth.

Title Screen
When UFO disappeared more titles are used this time the directors name and the title of the film.Background turns to black and a non-diegetic crashing noise is used as the title appears through the black background. Text used is an eerie light blue with light shining out from it. Titles end at 1:59. The opening titles are fully embedded belowe. Only two shots used in this section of the film.

Anchorage of date
and location
Music enters again and anchorage of the location and date (Antarctica, Winter 1982). Music represents a heartbeat.
An example of an establishing shot used.
Third shot used is handheld signifying the possibility of a point of view (PoV). Shot is focusing on a cliff face. Shot appears at 2:09. Long shot, medium angle. Object appears at 2:30 (still same shot as before) – false scare as the fourth shot anchors it to be a helicopter – audience assume it’s the UFO saw it the first 2 shots. Music stops replaced with the sound of helicopter blades. Again shaky camera work signifying the possibility of a PoV. Long shots are used throughout the introduction.
An example of a panning shot.

First close-up used in the film
Fifth shot long shot medium angle from the side of the helicopter seeing a person leaning slightly out of the helicopter. Very long takes only five shots used in 2:56. Extreme long shot panning high angle of the helicopter. Again shaky camerawork – instead could symbolise realism to the audience. Wide variations of shots used despite the long takes seventh shot is a side view of the helicopter hovering over the ice. Shaky camerawork continues. 3:15 first shot of person (in full view) medium shot medium angle. Panning shot of a husky followed by a shot-to-shot (doesn’t break the 180 degree rule) between the husky and the incoming helicopter. Shots of the husky – Husky off centre appears to be a long shot (as the entire body of the husky is in shot). Shots of the Helicopter – long shots.

An example of a point of view shot
An example of a two shot
Followed by another shot-to-shot this time the helicopter appears to be closer – two shot follows. Adds to the tension as more shots are being used then before + music has entered. Two shot followed by another medium shot of the person subsequently followed by a PoV (anchored this time through the person aiming a gun – sniper rifle - at the husky). Several shots repeat themselves i.e. two shot medium/long shot panning.

Anchorage of location
4:22 anchored of where in Antarctica this is taking place – United States National Science Institute Station 4. Sign appears to have scratching + blood on it music is again like a heartbeat -> adds tension. Something appears in the bottom right hand corner + further more adds to the tension. Followed by an extreme long shot of the location -> appears to be quiet and peaceful binary opposite of the sign (4:34).

Imdb page:
Wikipedia page:

Opening title:

1 comment:

  1. excellent detail Rich, and good to see semiotic terms being used
    NB: its diEgetic
    Carpenter played the orig movie on TV while jamie lee curtis babysat - a hint at the postmodern stylings he'd later explore
    look at the title itself: designed to signify a cinema projector?

    also, don't forget all the basic initial posts such as assessment criteria/task - follow the cwk guide closely


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